Sunday, April 13, 2008

Branding was a BLAST!!!!!!

We had lots of help this year and everyone had a blast. Dad cut his finger on the first cow. He claims it was an accident but I think he had an ulterior motive on how to just be the boss and not have to do any actual work. Matt had the most fun branding and cutting the ear marks. (I have to pause in my narrative here and state that I actually taught Abby something she didn't know about deleting. She didn't know how to delete a complete word rather than just the letter. Miracles never cease) On with the story. Justin says he just kept the cows coming and didn't get to actually do the fun part as everyone wanted to do that.

It was a warm and beautiful day as you can see from the pictures. The sky was the bluest blue with no clouds in the sky. There was a slight breeze but just enough to keep everyone feeling good. We brought them lunch at a record 1:00 as they were all starving.

As you can see Dad and Eddie found the easy chairs and shade and made themselves at home watching all the fun the kids (and big kids) were having. Levi's friend Emma was quite the girl. I mean she is up for anything. She tried the whole schmo. We dared her to eat one of the Rocky Mountain oysters and she did. She washed it off, and ate it raw, chewing for a few minutes and then swallowing. YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. It was gross to see the blood in her teeth but Matt's nephews got a huge kick out of it. She was their hero. (Which I think was her idea behind the whole thing.)

Anyway, this was a record branding day as they finished by 3:00. They all came back with sunburned necks but all were saying it was a great way to spend a Saturday. (Wish you could have been there, Louis and Stephen. Maybe next year your dad will be on his rounds in Utah at the time of the branding. Make it so Daddy.)


Here at home said...

Sounds so fun. Wish we could have been there, too. I'm sure Cory would have tried one of those oysters.

Abby said...

I just want to clear one thing up. Mom taught me one "tiny" little things about the computer. I have taught her millions. So I win!!

born2bhappy said...

Abby can never understand that I am still the winner as I have been around longer than she has.

Bailey Family said...

Stephen has been asking for his grandpa's & horses for the last 2 weeks. For some reason he needs his grandpa's every April.


Abby said...

Now you know why Sheridy. He wants to brand the cows.

Abby said...

Now you know why Sheridy. He wants to brand the cows.